Friday, December 5, 2008

Then to Denver and Chicago...

The 2x3 campaign meeting in Denver was a little overwhelming with all the special people we were able to connect with.  It was a meeting of all of our worlds... former Malachi friends, special people who have supported this whole thing since the beginning in 1993, interns who have served summers in Poland, family, long-term friends, and even some brand new friends ... the list goes on.  It was an amazing time to rejoice with those we love so much in what God is about these days.  My joy could hardly be contained.

One of the greatest joys for me was to have my assistant, Jola, and her husband, Łukasz, be with us for the meetings.  They are such a part of what God is doing here in Poland that it wouldn't have been right to be there without them.  We sure love them!  Also, two couples who are considering joining our team in Poland also flew out to be with us and get to know us.  Pray for them!  On the far left are Josh and Lora Blair and next to them are Thomas and Stephanie Washington.

We also while in Denver were able to meet with some youth pastors who have led teams of students to Poland in past years and others who are considering bringing a group.  We felt so joined by these leaders who have become so dear to us.  We're encouraging by those who have decided to come... but we're lacking enough groups.  Pray that others would come!  (And, if you know any group that would like to come, let me know!)

My special brother.... how I love my family.  In the midst of meeting after meeting, there were moments of connection with my family.  We were able to remember my Dad (it's already been 4 years!) in a special time gathered around his graveside, have a wild birthday party for Jacob and his cousin, Karri, who are one-day apart in age, and Dan was even around at the exact time when his parents were moving to Dallas.  He and Jacob helped them drive their things down and helped begin the process of unpacking before they flew back to Denver.  Once again we were so thankful for our precious and supportive family.  

We had the privilege of an invitation to join Bill Armstrong, Colorado Christian University President and former US Senator, for lunch in his office.  There are four of us on our team who are CCU graduates and as we pursue a deeper relationship with this university by having students join us for summers and other ministry opportunities in Poland, we were delighted to have the chance to get to know this man and his heart for Poland.  He's been here in the past and desires to do more to be a part of reaching Poles for Christ.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Then we headed to Minneapolis...

We were greeted by hunting season in Minnesota!  That was a culture shock!

The time in the states continued and we spent a few days in Brainerd and Nisswa and then in Minneapolis.  Who would have ever thought we could love so many people in Minnesota?! We've never even lived there.                        


It's hard to know where these past two months have gone.  For sure, I've spent many of those days traveling in all kinds of different directions.  It's good to now be home... and able to just look "back" on some of those miles on planes, trains and automobiles!

In October, I took three ladies from my church in Katowice and we drove 12+ hours one-way to get to Rivne, Ukraine.  The adventure was quite enjoyable for us all (border crossings and all) and we ended up at a Young Women's Conference at a church where my friend and her Ukrainian husband (great to be with you Lindsay and Andrej!) are serving.  I spoke 4 times in two days to these dear women about caring for our bodies and souls.  After each talk, my three Polish friends and I each led a "spa" treatment and spoiled the girls there.  One of the greatest joys for me, besides talking while massaging Ukrainian girls' hands, was to see the Polish ladies get out of their comfort zone and begin using their Russian (studied it many years earlier in school), Polish and limited English to try to talk with the girls.  We also had such a great time together in the car and siteseeing in Lviv on our way home.  What a treat this time was in every way.  I pray that God will use my words to continue to speak to the girls about "being healthy" in all ways.

A few pictures:

A week after I returned from Ukraine, we all left for our trip to the US and Canada for Josiah Venture's 2x3 campaign.  If you don't know what that's about, check out to learn more.  Basically, we're asking God to double our fruit in the next three years.  It was SO fun to see so many of you.  We were first in Denver for a time with family and friends and then headed to Canada.  A few pictures from there:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

We're still alive!

So, I'm working on updating my blog. I want to be connected with people so I think this is what I want to do. I'm just still not very good with it! So, if I have a different look, maybe then I'll have a bigger desire to update!

The Fall has begun. Jacob's doing well in school thus far. Dan just returned from a trip visiting 3 cities who held camps this summer. He and Jola and Lukasz traveled west almost to Germany and then on up north, all the way to the Baltic. And, back home in just a few short days. It was a whirlwind but awesome for them all.

Next week Dan and I will be at our JV Fall Conference and Jacob and Zoe at home with our friend, Wisnie. He's a wild guy that Jacob really likes who leads our Winter Camp. I'm not sure who will be taking care of who!

And, besides that, we're staying warm. The weather suddenly has changed from summer to winter! All in a few days. Burrr!

Also, wanted to show some pictures of my newly organized home! Kathy and Neal Gaalswyk, friends from Minnesota, were here last week and were the "wind beneath our wings!" THANKS!!!

And, a new rug!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Zoe loving summer, her ball, and Jacob!

The life of a dog...

Jacob's adventures

Jacob's been learning to play the violin the past few years. A few weeks ago, he had the chance to join a few kids from our church in a Christian competition sponsored by a church not far from us. Take a listen!

The Camp Song!

Every year we have a theme song and dance... Thought you might enjoy seeing us learning it!

Summer Prep

We've had two separate meetings that have happened at our "Hash Garage Hotel." The first was back in May when all the leaders of the Polish youth groups gathered together to pray, practice telling their life-stories, learn the camp song, role play leading someone to Christ, learn some new games and just hang together. This summer there will be 8 camps happening throughout Poland and it was a privilege to have all these leaders together in one place.
Katowice Group

Learning games...

The other group just left on Sunday morning. They are a Canadian group that has come to Poland to serve with our youth group here in Katowice. They are at an English/Volleyball Camp happening in the Tatra Mountains near a city called Zakopane. This was the first time we've done the orientation time with North American teams at our home. Due to the fact that a smaller group of people were here, we decided to host it. Besides the Canadians, we also had our summer interns (4) and three girls from Multnomah Bible College who are helping alongside the interns at another camp going on right now in Swinouijscie which is on the Baltic right on the German border. It's amazing to us that God gave us this home which can easily house 20 people besides our family. With a newly installed pool filter, the environment led to great discussion and preparation for these servants who have come to co-labor with us to reach the youth of Poland. Pray with us for these camps!

Three of our interns... The group for orientation (and the pool!)

Listening intently!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Armenians are coming!

Well, they actually were already here. A choir from Armenia came to Poland to take part in a church choir competition. They were awesome and actually took 2nd place out of about 15 choirs from all over Europe. After their competition, they had made contact with our church earlier and came to Katowice for a concert for a coop of churches. It was awesome. They really were talented.

There were about 24 in the group and 14 of the ladies ended up staying in our "garage." It was quite interesting trying to talk with them as they only spoke Russian and Armenian! They were here for two nights and at 3:30 am the second night, a few came running to our house banging on the door. One of the ladies had fallen down a few stairs while she was going to the bathroom. It ended up that she broke her leg very badly and we had to call the ambulance. After deciding that she would need surgery and to stay in Poland for a few extra days, the entire group ended up staying in our "garage" that night. (They were to leave the day she broke her leg but plans needed to change...) So, that night we had a concert around the campfire.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A relational month

This past month, we've had lots of special events at our church focusing on relationships. It seems that it's been an intensive time of really getting to know the great people that God has brought to our church.

At the end of March, a few ladies and I at our church along with some ladies from Mission Hills in Littleton we're involved in planning and leading a retreat for the women of our church. There were 50 of us that spent the weekend in Wisła at a "Spa for the Heart." Because of the fact that our bodies and souls are so connected, we spent time talking about physical and spiritual needs... water-cleansing, fruit-fruit of the spirit, food-the food from the Word of God, exercise-walking with God for the long-haul. We also had lots of fun doing special "spa" things as we played and talked together.

I've heard from a number of ladies how God met them in a very special way. And, since that as well as a goal of getting to know each other was met, I'm very satisfied and thankful to God for what He did.

A few pictures:

After we returned from the weekend, we also invited the remaining women from our church who couldn't join us on the retreat, to enjoy a British tea also hosted by the ladies from Mission Hills. The beauty and the discussion on the need of us being involved in each others' lives really blessed me. I trust that it also blessed the other ladies who joined us.

Then just this past weekend, 65 of us from our church headed 6 hours on a bus to Prague for a site-seeing trip together. Again, the goal was to enjoy this amazing city (in spite of the rain!) and each other. We really feel like community is beginning to run deeper. Conversations were happening deep into the night and on the bus about matters that really touch people's lives and hearts. We long for it to spur each other on towards love and good deeds.

If you haven't gotten to Prague, you need to go! What a city. And, even though we've been there before visiting fellow JV missionaries or hanging with summer interns or traveling through on our way to Germany, we've never really just been the typical tourist. It was fun to join the "masses" who make their way to this beautiful city.

I was also really moved to hear again the story of John Hus and his committment to the Word of God in the language of the people. As we sat in Bethelem Church where he gave sermons in the Czech language for the first time to over 3000 people back in the early 1400's which later cost him his life, I was challenged to "speak the language of the people" and live and die for what really matters. I'm thankful to be able to walk in the paths of people such as he. This spurs me onward!

Isn't it beautiful?

Love being with my man!

Sure helps to have Starbucks along the way!

Great picture of community!

We're so excited about the continuing deeper relationship we're experiencing with Irek and Basia, the Pastor and his wife from our church.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


This is a recent post from our teammate, Alice, on her blog. It's so interesting, I stole it!

Today in my Polish lesson I found out that my teacher was in prison during 1981 for 7 months. The Communitst government did not like the fact that she backed and advocated for the freedom of Poland from the USSR.

(For those of you who were under the age of 10 in 1981, this may not be interesting, but I was in high school at the time and followed the plight of the Polish people during this time.)

She told me about how difficult it was to live during that time. Her love for her hero, President Regan and what he did for the Polish people runs deep. I told her that she was a hero for freedom in my eyes and she just brushed it off, like any good political "soldier" would. "It was about freedom, not me." she said. (loosely translated)

We then got into the fact that the Polish Prime Minister will not be going to the Olympics becuase it would be as if Regan backed the USSR instead of the freedom of Poland back in the 80's. He will not sit in the same place as those who do to the Tibetians, what the USSR did to Poland. She was very passionate about this fact and is disappointed that America does do the same.

China is causing many here to remember the brutal years that Poland lived under the crush of the Communist government. It will be interesting to see how and if the Olypmics will be received here in this country.

I am not wanting to be political, but this conversation caused me to pause and think about the fact that I have not prayed for China or Tibet like I did for Poland in the 80's. It also gave me new insight as to the how deep the vaccum is in every heart in Poland who do not have Jesus to give them hope. I am rubbing shoulders with those who's only hope is what they can do for themselves. That is a difficult hope to hold on to. My prayer is that they will find the ONLY HOPE Who will never let go!

Who knows what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future! Thank you Lord!

Friday, February 8, 2008

And now, back to work!

So, what awaits us these days as we settle back into life in Poland?

Dan preached last Sunday at church and will this Sunday and next as well. Again, you can hear him on our church's website. The address is: and click on "Kazanie" and then on his name (it's in English and Polish so you can all understand!). Besides that he's having lots of meetings with lots of people! And, he took time out to buy the car and get the insurance and have a good security system installed. And, he plays with Zoe!

I've been sitting at my desk a LOT and trying to get caught up and ready for the next things that await me. Mostly I've been working on getting groups set to come this summer for camps. We're still trying to find a few more groups to come (so if any of you want to come....) and getting the Polish groups ready. I'm also working on the preparations for an upcoming retreat (March 28-30) with some ladies from our church in Poland which will be led by a group of ladies from Mission Hills Church in Denver. I'm really excited about this! Oh yes, and I'm playing with Zoe!

Next week we'll have our first meeting with the IPU (Intensive Program of Discipleship) students after our 7 week absence. We're looking forward to this. There's been a lot happening in their lives and we're ready to hear about it. If you remember, this is a group of 9 youth leaders who are taking this year to study theology and serve part-time in their local churches. Dan and I have the privilege of "coaching" them as they go through this process.

And, at the end of the month, we'll both be teaching a seminar at our annual Youth Leader's Conference called 100C. This year's theme is "VIP - Called and Chosen Priesthood." Our desire is for all leaders here to see that God has called them and chosen them to be a Holy Priesthood and to serve from that place. Often in this country, leaders think that only the pastor or the priest are the VIPs--only they are called and chosen. But, Jesus says we all are. And, that we all are able to serve in His body. So, pray that leaders will come (not many are signed up yet) and that God will meet them where they are.

Jacob did well with his homework that his teachers gave him while we were gone. In fact, he's ahead of his class. However, he still feels a little behind as far as missing classes and lectures... So, he's working hard on all his school work and preparing for a special math competition he'll be in. And, tomorrow night is the Katowice-wide youth meeting. He's pretty excited about that! And, by the way, he plays with Zoe too!

And, besides all that, we're cleaning up after Zoe from time to time...

Something else new!

We're rejoicing in many new things these days. Thanks to many special people, this week our new (to us!) Skoda Octavia joined our "fleet"! We were able to find this car that exceeded our hopes as to the cost and the amount of previous use. It's almost like new! And, it was just in time as the day that Dan drove the car home from Wroclaw (about 2 hours) where he bought it, Jacob and I had a scare in the Orange Van with some wires burning! So, we're loving this new gift from God and are thankful for safe and peaceful travel!

And, it's even beautiful! Beyond what we would have imagined...

Our new family member!

The day we landed, we took off to Cesky Tesin (about an hour away) to pick up our new puppy, Zoe. Our JV teammates, the Ellenwoods, have lovingly cared for little Zoe for the past 12 weeks of her life and were preparing her for our arrival. They have a Labradoodle, Emma, which birthed puppies on November 19. If you don't know, this is a blend of a Labrador and Poodle. Zoe is adorable and playful and smart... everything you'd want in a puppy. We're so excited about her addition to our family. Check her out!

What's been happening ...

Today I'm going to try and update this blog. Between trying to do facebook and being in the states for 7 weeks and getting a new camera... I haven't been doing much on this site. So, today is the day. I'm actually getting resettled into life in Poland. I've dug out some of what's on my desk. I'm getting into the swing of our new puppy, Zoe. And, I'm keeping my Mom busy with jobs here around the house. (She'll be with us for 6 more weeks!)

So, first off some pictures from the states. We started our trip on Dec 12 and were in Minnesota for a week. Of course, highlights were people (can't believe we know so many people there when we don't even have family there!) and coffee and The Mall of America! That was fun! From there we went to Denver and were there for about 2 weeks which included Christmas, Giles and Emily Hash's wedding, New Years Eve, and lots of time with family. We also had a very nice white Christmas.

After Denver, we headed to Dallas for a few days and met with Rowlett Bible Fellowship Church and some people there (Dan's sister's church). Besides enjoying the Einfalts and their church, Jacob and Dan got to go to a Dallas Stars game and we also all got to go to a Third Day Concert. (Thanks Dave and Deb!)

After Dallas, we headed back to Denver and spent the next two weeks with many, many people. What a privilege to know so many great people! I was amazed by this. We also got to do a few fun things along the way like skiing (Jacob snowboarded 4 times!), birthday parties, being in the mountains, shopping, drinking coffee...

After Denver and on our way back to Poland, we stopped for about a week in the Washington DC area. As a family we got to spend a few days just siteseeing and Jacob had the chance to learn a little American history! (Although, his quesitons stumped Mom and Dad! I think we need a refresher course!) And, then we were at a church, Lake of the Woods, in Virginia not too far from DC. After a few more people and a few more hours on a plane, whew, we arrived in Poland.

What a great 7 weeks!