Thursday, September 18, 2008

We're still alive!

So, I'm working on updating my blog. I want to be connected with people so I think this is what I want to do. I'm just still not very good with it! So, if I have a different look, maybe then I'll have a bigger desire to update!

The Fall has begun. Jacob's doing well in school thus far. Dan just returned from a trip visiting 3 cities who held camps this summer. He and Jola and Lukasz traveled west almost to Germany and then on up north, all the way to the Baltic. And, back home in just a few short days. It was a whirlwind but awesome for them all.

Next week Dan and I will be at our JV Fall Conference and Jacob and Zoe at home with our friend, Wisnie. He's a wild guy that Jacob really likes who leads our Winter Camp. I'm not sure who will be taking care of who!

And, besides that, we're staying warm. The weather suddenly has changed from summer to winter! All in a few days. Burrr!

Also, wanted to show some pictures of my newly organized home! Kathy and Neal Gaalswyk, friends from Minnesota, were here last week and were the "wind beneath our wings!" THANKS!!!

And, a new rug!


Krista said...

love it! i like your new carpet :) and wow, the office looks different, the garage too! neil and kathy know how to get it done! love you and miss you-

Anonymous said...

ooo...pretty carpet. :) How are you doing? :)

Lori Jackson said...

Makes me wish I could see it in person!

Deb said...

Love the update -- esp. the pictures! Wonder how long the garage will stay looking that way ...

See you soon!

Alice Robbins said...

So what is happening in the Hashes Happenings this month?? ;)

Love you!