So, what awaits us these days as we settle back into life in Poland?
Dan preached last Sunday at church and will this Sunday and next as well. Again, you can hear him on our church's website. The address is: and click on "Kazanie" and then on his name (it's in English and Polish so you can all understand!). Besides that he's having lots of meetings with lots of people! And, he took time out to buy the car and get the insurance and have a good security system installed. And, he plays with Zoe!
I've been sitting at my desk a LOT and trying to get caught up and ready for the next things that await me. Mostly I've been working on getting groups set to come this summer for camps. We're still trying to find a few more groups to come (so if any of you want to come....) and getting the Polish groups ready. I'm also working on the preparations for an upcoming retreat (March 28-30) with some ladies from our church in Poland which will be led by a group of ladies from Mission Hills Church in Denver. I'm really excited about this! Oh yes, and I'm playing with Zoe!
Next week we'll have our first meeting with the IPU (Intensive Program of Discipleship) students after our 7 week absence. We're looking forward to this. There's been a lot happening in their lives and we're ready to hear about it. If you remember, this is a group of 9 youth leaders who are taking this year to study theology and serve part-time in their local churches. Dan and I have the privilege of "coaching" them as they go through this process.
And, at the end of the month, we'll both be teaching a seminar at our annual Youth Leader's Conference called 100C. This year's theme is "VIP - Called and Chosen Priesthood." Our desire is for all leaders here to see that God has called them and chosen them to be a Holy Priesthood and to serve from that place. Often in this country, leaders think that only the pastor or the priest are the VIPs--only they are called and chosen. But, Jesus says we all are. And, that we all are able to serve in His body. So, pray that leaders will come (not many are signed up yet) and that God will meet them where they are.
Jacob did well with his homework that his teachers gave him while we were gone. In fact, he's ahead of his class. However, he still feels a little behind as far as missing classes and lectures... So, he's working hard on all his school work and preparing for a special math competition he'll be in. And, tomorrow night is the Katowice-wide youth meeting. He's pretty excited about that! And, by the way, he plays with Zoe too!
And, besides all that, we're cleaning up after Zoe from time to time...
Hello dear friend!
Second attempt to leave a little note for you! Don't know why it wouldn't publish my note the first time but I'm not giving up!
I loved reading every bit of your update here! Oh how I've missed and look forward to catching up soon. Let's plan something fun!
Love you!
I have to agree, dear friend. Thank you for sharing your heart...very timely for me and deeply encouraging to my own spirit. We love you all and are so glad you're HOME!
I am enjoying all the pictures! Good to see you in December at SGC!
Hope you have a couple weeks of "normal" before your big weekend in Warsaw, Ken is looking forward to being with you. I know he'll come back with some great stories. Praying for rest & normal life - oh yeah, and hosting your Mom!
Thanks for the good updates.
Andrea Pitcher
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