Friday, August 3, 2007

Ode to Tobi

Well... on tuesday our dog got attacked by our neighbor's boxer dog. We were all gone but the neighbor lady did her best to call the dog off. From what she said, Tobi ran off very quickly after being dropped out of the jaws of "Bella." There was no blood and no evidence that there was deep injury.

The only problem is, is that we haven't seen him since and it's now Saturday. He took off so quickly and in such a panic, we believe, that he's scared to come home or someone has taken him or....

We've looked and looked and looked. We talked and talked and talked to neighbors. We just can't find him anywhere. We've cried and cried and cried.

We've had Tobi for almost 6 years. He's a part of our family. He brings us such joy. The house has felt empty without him.

I think what is really hard is that it's not a closed story. We're waiting... not sure what the end of this story will be.

As I've reflected on this, a few thoughts have come to mind. I've wondered if God really cares about dogs. I think he does. Mostly because He cares about me (and Jacob and Dan) and what gives me joy or brings sadness. I also know that he cares for the sparrows. And, I know that Jesus told the parable about the shepherd who left 99 sheep to look for the one lost. I understand looking and looking for one that is lost.... And, actually, as I was reading that parable the other morning, it ends by Jesus saying how much more the heavenly father looks and looks for His lost. I thought of the camps going on right now here in Poland and how our Father is searching for the lost young people in Poland. How the search brings grief. He longs so much to be in relationship with them. And, the joy of finding... Yee haw!

I've prayed these days for Tobi to come home. And, for many young people in Poland to come home to the Father's open arms.

An Ode to Tobi. We love him and miss him.