This week is the time for routine. On Monday Sept 3, Jacob began his first day of Jr High. It was a big day for us. A new school, new kids in his class, new routine. I think all is looking good and we're pretty optimistic about this new place for him. He's pretty excited to be beginning his fourth language... French. We'll see how quickly he passes me in this one! (I did have 2 years in High School!)
And, not long before the routine began, we had our time of vacation. And, it motivated Jacob to learn French. We were on the island of Corsica (French owned) for a week and then in Germany a few days on our way back. It was an awesome time for us as a family as well as with our dear friends, the Ellenwoods and Pattys. This was our 5th year together! Pretty amazing that 13 people can vacation together well and end up loving each other even more at the end than when we began. The pictures at the top are from this time. The top one makes me wonder how Jacob treats his teachers!
I'm just now reading your blog for the first time and I know that you still are living not knowing about Tobi. Just wanted to tell you that we feel so sorry and that we join you in praying that Tobi would come home. Makes me cry to think of you missing him like that. I'm glad God is "the one who sees".
Kristi Patty
HEY! Dan looks really stiff in the top picture! Love you guys from Colorado. Go Broncos!
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