Monday, September 17, 2007


This week finds us preparing. This coming Sunday will be the 5th baptism for our church. We've had the privilege of hosting them all. There are a few still deciding for sure about whether they will take this step, but we're planning on 6 young women! One of them put her faith in Christ at our camp this summer and two (or three) others are young women who we've seen their lives transformed this past year through the youth group at our church and in our city. I'll share with you more after it happens...

Dan's in the Czech Republic for our annual JV Training Conference where he's preparing to lead a seminar on"Influencing People by bringing them close." If you know Dan, you know this is something he's especially gifted in. He's also getting to sit in on many great lectures and seminars that will continue to prepare him for further ministry with leaders around the country and in our local church.

I'm at home preparing for an opportunity that awaits me in about a week. I've been invited to speak for a group of young Romanian women who are involved in discipling other women. The mornings will be spent in training in what that all means (I'm not involved in that part) and the evenings will be a time for these women to think about their own heart relationship with Jesus. That's where I come in. I count it a privilege to be able to share with them about what Jesus has done in my heart over the years. They asked for an "older woman to share with the younger women"... oh my. I guess that's me! Pray for my preparations.

And, Jacob's preparing all his homework... he's doing well!

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