Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Do I speak English?

Just reread my blog about Tobi. No, he didn't run away with our friend's little boy... He was with this little boy, Filip, a few days before he ran away...

Guess that would be good if he ran away with Filip. Guess then we'd know where he is!

Monday, September 17, 2007


Many have asked about Tobi. I must sadly say that we still have not found him. This picture was taken only a few days before he ran away with our friends' little boy.

We did get one phone call a week ago from a woman who had found a west highland terrier. She had seen our signs. It ended up that this was not Tobi...

So, we're continuing to live life without him. And, wondering where he is and how he is. I'm trusting that someone is really loving him and enjoying him as we did.


This week finds us preparing. This coming Sunday will be the 5th baptism for our church. We've had the privilege of hosting them all. There are a few still deciding for sure about whether they will take this step, but we're planning on 6 young women! One of them put her faith in Christ at our camp this summer and two (or three) others are young women who we've seen their lives transformed this past year through the youth group at our church and in our city. I'll share with you more after it happens...

Dan's in the Czech Republic for our annual JV Training Conference where he's preparing to lead a seminar on"Influencing People by bringing them close." If you know Dan, you know this is something he's especially gifted in. He's also getting to sit in on many great lectures and seminars that will continue to prepare him for further ministry with leaders around the country and in our local church.

I'm at home preparing for an opportunity that awaits me in about a week. I've been invited to speak for a group of young Romanian women who are involved in discipling other women. The mornings will be spent in training in what that all means (I'm not involved in that part) and the evenings will be a time for these women to think about their own heart relationship with Jesus. That's where I come in. I count it a privilege to be able to share with them about what Jesus has done in my heart over the years. They asked for an "older woman to share with the younger women"... oh my. I guess that's me! Pray for my preparations.

And, Jacob's preparing all his homework... he's doing well!

Post Camp

September 7 and 8 we traveled up to Nowy Tomysl (about 5 hours Northwest) where all 9 polish groups who organized camps this past summer met together to rejoice together at what God was about this summer. There were over 675 campers with 370 being non-believers in the 9 camps. In conversations that Americans and Poles had with campers, we know of 20 young poles who gave their live to Christ! We're rejoicing in that! That makes it all worth while!

One of the highlights from the weekend was when each group "traveled around metro sites" of all the cities which had camp, and prayed for the new believers, the follow up, the leaders, the American groups. It was an awesome time. Our desire is for each of these groups to also see that they are a part of something much bigger than even their own city. God's on the move!

We also led them in some time of evaluating their camp and their group and where to go next with the people God has brought to their groups. It was intense and lots of work for them as they labored about what students really need and how to help them take the next step.

It was a joy for me to lead our Fala team and see how God has uniquely led each of them to this team. My Polish assistant, Jola, continues to develop in her leadership and heart for these groups. And, this year, Krista, Alice and Daniel and Iwona (all fellow JV members) came alongside these groups in such great ways. What an awesome team God has brought together. Of course, Dan also was a huge asset to the training. He leads others so well in thinking through where their groups are at and what are the questions facing them in the near future. I have a good husband--and ministry partner!

We also shared with the groups a new ministry tool that Josiah Venture has developed.

Elements is a discipleship tool created for small groups to help new believers in Christ learn the basics of their faith in Christ. It is an interactive DVD in 11 languages, designed for High School and University age students.

The purpose of Elements is to help in building a foundation for growth in Christ. This study tool focuses on seven basic elements that help the students understand what it means to now be “In Christ” and grow in Him. We're really excited about the ways God can use Elements. Pray for Polish Elements Groups popping up all over Poland in the next month. We're praying that all of these 20 new believers will be involved in one of these groups with Polish young people leading them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

There's a time for vacation and a time for routine...

This week is the time for routine. On Monday Sept 3, Jacob began his first day of Jr High. It was a big day for us. A new school, new kids in his class, new routine. I think all is looking good and we're pretty optimistic about this new place for him. He's pretty excited to be beginning his fourth language... French. We'll see how quickly he passes me in this one! (I did have 2 years in High School!)

And, not long before the routine began, we had our time of vacation. And, it motivated Jacob to learn French. We were on the island of Corsica (French owned) for a week and then in Germany a few days on our way back. It was an awesome time for us as a family as well as with our dear friends, the Ellenwoods and Pattys. This was our 5th year together! Pretty amazing that 13 people can vacation together well and end up loving each other even more at the end than when we began. The pictures at the top are from this time. The top one makes me wonder how Jacob treats his teachers!