Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wow! What a trip...

It felt in some ways as the trip that never ended… but, after about 29 hours of travel by car, train and foot, it was way worth it! Two polish young women, Jola Mrozek-Kropisz and Weronika Tesluk, joined me in this cross-countries’ adventure to participate in a Young Women’s Conference hosted by an organization in Romania connected with Josiah Venture. The 70 young women who gathered were all there because they either were already discipling other girls or have a heart to and wanted to learn more. I had been invited as an “older woman” (yes, that’s me!) to speak to the hearts of these young women during evening sessions. It was indeed a joy to be an instrument of the Father and to speak of His faithfulness to me over these 20+ years I’ve been investing my life in younger women. But, as I sat there listening to these “younger women” teach in the morning about discipling “their girls”, I was challenged again to keep going and to never give up investing my life in younger women. The three young women who taught in the morning about discipleship were living it out. One had discipled two of the younger ones and then some of their own disciples who are ready to disciple others were part of the group receiving training. I was really moved as I saw multiplication at its best! I and my Polish younger women came back motivated to invest our lives in others! There's nothing more important and lasting than that.


Anonymous said...

What a joy to hear about your time in Romania. I'm so thrilled they were able to receive all you have to give in this area. What a full circle experience to bring Polish women with you and to see Romanian women with their girls...what a movement God is doing among us! Hurray!
Andrea Pitcher

Andrew said...

Hey Laura,

Great to hear that you seem to be thriving more and more and investing even more of yourself the longer you are home in Eastern Europe.

Miss you guys,